Thursday, 13 March 2014


This is a lovely mix of fried chopped onions, carrots, celery and parsley. Soffritto means “fried under oil” and the French equivalent is mirepoix. This is a crucial ingredient for Italian dishes. This forms the base for a minestrone or ragu di carne (or known to us as a bolognese sauce). This can be prepared and kept in the fridge for a few days. I freeze small quantities of this and it really helps when a bag of soffrito and passata is readily available on nights when cooking time is limited.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

When in Austria - eat Goulash soup to escape your Russian ski-instructor.

When your ski-instructor introduces himself with the phrase: "I am Victor, your ski-instructor.", with the strong emphasis on syllables only Russians can apply, then the best advice would be to run as far and fast as possible. Head for the safety of a ski-hut and order "Goulash Soup". Forget the famous phrase in the movie Marie Antoinette: "Have you ever been with a Russian man? They are so bossy!" or any other fantasies you might be cultivating about foreign men. Read about why eating soup is better than having ski lessons.

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