Thursday, 27 June 2013

Open-faced sandwich - Poached egg, crispy bacon and roasted tomatoes

Poached egg, bacon, roasted tomatoes and wild rocket on toast
This is the best breakfast treat ever! A poached egg, crispy bacon and roasted tomatoes on toast. I just love the different tastes that mingle together and besides, it looks gorgeous.

This sounds complicated but with the right preparation this will be done in no time - ideal for a weekend treat.

This biggest job here is the roasted tomatoes. You need a handful of small tomatoes cut into halves, brushed with oil and sprinkled with salt. Place them on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 60 minutes at 160 degrees. Bake longer if a drier texture is needed. Alternatively bottled sun-dried tomatoes in oil can be used, but I find that they are a bit drier or sometimes have a very sour taste that can be overpowering. But it is up to personal choice and time limitations.

Small tomatoes - romanitta - used for roasting
Cut tomatoes in half, brush with oil and sprinkle with salt.
Oven-roasted tomatoes
Poaching eggs is now easier than ever with these nifty silicone cups (bought at Mr Price - R49.99 for 4, sshhh don't tell anyone!). Just break the egg open in it, float the cup into boiling water, close the lid for 5 to 7 minutes and perfectly poached eggs will appear. No more doing it the purist way of boiling the egg in vinegar water or folding it in glad wrap. This is fool-proof!
Silicone cups for poaching eggs - no mess, no fuss!
Now all that's left to do is to grill the bacon and toast the slice of bread. I spread some mayonnaise on the toast because I think it compliments the flavour of the runny egg yolk. Top the toast with the bacon, poached egg, roasted tomatoes and then top it with wild rocket and black pepper, no need for salt. The wild rocket is way more spicy than their domesticated cousin, so try and get some of those. I'm lucky enough that I have wild rocket growing as a weed in my garden. Lovely! Buon Appetito! Breakfast will never be the same again after you've tasted this. Now go and treat someone close to your heart this weekend with this lovely breakfast.
Close-up of poached egg, bacon, roasted tomato and wild rocket on toast
Poached Egg, crispy bacon and roasted tomato on toast:
Author: Dulcie & Cubano
Serves 1
2 strips of streaky bacon
1 toast
1 tsp mayonnaise
1 poached egg (yolk still runny)
4 cherry tomatoes halved and roasted as mentioned above
2 wild rocket leaves
Ground black pepper
Toast 1 slice of bread and spread with maynnaise
Grill bacon
Poach egg for 5 - 7 minutes
Top toast with bacon, poached egg and tomatoes.
Garnish with wild rocket and black pepper.

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